Consider your requirement for solar energy ?
a.Before obtaining a cost estimate for a Solar PV Installation, you need to carefully consider the reason for wanting to make the investment. Your requirement and expectation will determine the type and size of the solar generation installation which will in addition directly impact the installation cost and feasibility of your investment.
b.Most common requirements are to:
- Reduce the monthly electricity bill
- Invest in clean energy to help combat environmental pollution
- Be self-sufficient in the supply of electricity requirement
- Overcome power outages by supply authority (load shedding)
c.Based on your requirement and your electricity demand we will be able to prepare the most suitable, cost-effective system for your needs to have maximum return on your investment with or without compromise on your lifestyle habits.
Basic solar installation options
a.Your electricity requirement and demand together with your available space and site location will be the decisive factors to determine the components of your system as well as the capacity of each component. Main components to be solar panels, inverter and battery storage.
b.Solar (PV) panels convert daylight into direct current electricity and should you wish to have this as part of your installation, we will calculate the most cost-effective combined size and type to be used based on your requirement, site evaluation and solar array data. We only make use of local supplied quality solar panels and fastening systems.
c.Inverters are required to convert direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) required for use at your home or office. Inverters can be classified into two basic alternatives being stand-alone (off-grid) or grid-tied.
§Off-grid (stand-alone) installations are not connected to a power utility grid and would include battery storage that is sized to power your home or office during periods when the solar panels do not generate output. Apart from this hybrid type inverter being more expensive, the battery storage will also add cost and maintenance requirements to the solar PV system but can be a more cost-effective alternative to having new or upgrade utility lines or fuel-burning generators.
§Grid-tied inverter systems are connected to the power supply of the local electricity authority. The converted solar electricity produced is supplied to the main electrical switchboard of the home or office to supplement the purchase of electricity from the local supply utility. Your home or office will still receive backup power from the utility during periods when the solar panels do not generate output. This type of inverter is the most cost-effective option but does not allow for the benefit to have backup electricity (battery storage) during power outages by the supply utility.
§Hybrid inverters are known as “smart” inverters which are grid-tied but with the option to include battery storage for use when the solar panels do not generate output or when the power utility has got outages. These inverters will utilize electrical power from solar PV panels by allowing batteries to be charged even during load shedding periods. Hybrid inverters can be optimized for your specific requirement when it comes to the split of electricity to critical and non-critical distribution.
d.Battery storage capacity would be required for off-grid inverters or optional in cases where grid-tied hybrid inverters are used in which case the additional battery storage can be used to overcome electricity supply outages and/or reduce peak demand. Options to consider when choosing the battery for your installation would be battery type, drain cycles and local support.
e.Additional electricity meters will be installed with all solar PV systems where these are to be connected to your home or office is connected to a supply from the power authority. These additional electricity meters will be required in order to separately measure power from the solar panels and electricity from the electricity supply authority. The meters are also required to restrict power generation from your home or office into the grid of the electricity supply authority during times of supply outages.
f.In addition it would be good practice to have (apart from the inverter display) an optional monitoring application that enables you to check your system output on your smartphone or computer. A reputable installer will assist you with registration access to such an application.
No two installations would be the same and it would therefore not be advisable or economical to not evaluate your considerations and options when choosing the solar PV system for your home or office. Choosing the wrong combination or installation type could be costly and inconvenient in the long run. Obtain professional advice and make sure your installation will suit your requirement with no uncertain terms. We are well aware that every installation should be tailormade and we will ascertain ourselves of your site conditions and advice accordingly. Our aim is to bring affordable renewable energy installations to the market without compromising on quality and therefore we only make use of accredited products backed by local support and guarantees. Our installation team is backed by AREP (Association for Renewable Energy Practitioners) accreditation and the installation will be commissioned with a Certificate of Compliance issued by a registered professional.